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Combining music and visual arts

“Komo” is an aural Mantra. The introverted and self-contained minimalistic string phrase circles upon itself. The use of a traditional canon compacts the already repetitive character of the piece.
Digital sound irritations by iPhone App, Laptop and analog distortion are conciously builing up a contradictory Dialogue, based on the melancholy atmoshpere of the loop.

The minimalistic progression of the sound elements are emphasized by visuals.
Comparable to the music the originally formalistic structures are opened out beyond recognition by stylistic devices as blur or reduction, as well as the manner of composition and mixing and are set into a new context.
The origin of the visuals are most of the times black and white nature shots, which remain in the end as a feeling. 

© TRILOGOS STIFTUNG 2012. Alle Rechte vorbehalten | Letzte Aktualisierung 30.04.2024